Everyone knows, at least I hope that everyone knows, that since we are “human” we are not “perfect”, right? And since we are not perfect, we hurt people, we make mistakes, and we make wrong choices and decisions – all of the aforementioned are knowingly or not; willingly or not.

What makes us a good, mature, and GODly person and one that GOD is proud of is that, sooner or later, we recognize that we have hurt someone, that we have made a mistake, that we have made a wrong choice and/or decision, that we admit it, and that we do right by it in the appropriate way according to the issue/situation.

And, of course, that we DON’T REPEAT IT!

As well, what makes us a good, mature, and GODly person and one that GOD is proud of is that, sooner or later, we GENUINELY accept the wrongdoer’s apology and move forward with that person, in whatever capacity that person is in our life, without keeping that “wrong” in the back of our mind.

Yesterday, my brother-in-law and sister took another step into their Catholic faith – that of receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. The ceremony was very nice and, although I am not Catholic, it was meaningful to me.

Today, I chose to GENUINELY forgive someone that, although did me [very] wrong once upon a time, is VERY special to me.

Today, I chose to GENUINELY believe the apologies that person gave me.

Today, I chose to GENUINELY believe the words that person spoke to me “this time around” – that person’s thoughts; that person’s insight on the future; that person’s plans.

Today, I chose to stop fighting myself and tell that person that I love – H-I-M!

Today, I told my ex-boyfriend-now-boyfriend-again that I love him and that I will continue to be “there” for him, as his girlfriend, through the unfortunate “situation” that he is in. The day will come when that “situation” will be over for him… I pray for that day with all of my strength.

Today, he and I hugged and kissed each other and held each other’s hands for the first time in almost 5 months. Today, he and I cried together…

Just as there is no one that is perfect, there are no perfect situations and sometimes, there is no “right time”. MAKE YOURSELF HAPPY FIRST because, if you are not happy, you cannot make anyone happy!

Be happy with the person that you love and that loves you in return and do not allow any naysayers and/or any “situation” keep you from that.

I do not know what GOD holds for him and I, as a “couple”, tomorrow and going forward from there but, what I do know is that, today, I am happy with my choices and decisions.

BE HAPPY! TODAY, tomorrow, and the next day…

About Lourdes de la Nuez

Because my heart and mind cannot write, through my writings, I express what they say…

Posted on April 5, 2014, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.